Terms and Conditions
Created on: September 05, 2023
Current version: 1.0
1. Subject

Please carefully read the following Terms and conditions before gaining access to or using our Service (defined below) from Llanes. This contains significant details regarding your legal obligations, rights, and remedies as well as some restrictions and limits. These terms of service apply to all services offered by DPR LLANES INC., an organisation which is registered in the province of Ontario, Canada, under the Canada Business Corporations Act with Certificate of Incorporation 1489198-8. DPR LLANES Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Llanes”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) provides an online platform under the brand "Llanes" which interfaces Drivers who have void seats in their vehicle and will make an outing, with Travelers who are trying to make a similar trip and are looking for a method for transportation (all in all, the "Service"), which are made accessible through our Site at www.llanes.ca and whatever other Subdomains or Portable Applications which Llanes makes the Administrations accessible through (by and large, the "Administration").), By using the Service you understand and agree to be legally bound by these Terms of Service (“Terms of Service”) whether you register to use the Service, use as a guest or not. You understand and recognize that Llanes is not a party to any agreement, contract or contractual relations of any nature, entered into between the Members of the Platform.

You are not permitted to continue using or accessing the Service, the content of all Members, or Llanes, if you do not agree with the Terms of Service. Failure to abide by the Terms of Service as hereby stated may subject you to civil and criminal penalties.

2. Definitions

In this document,

Account” means the account that a user (either a driver, a passenger or any other user) creates to access any services offered by Llanes.

Post” is an advert (advertise) of a trip that driver creates using the platform to make passengers aware about upcoming trip (offer vacant seats).

Member” is a user with active account (profile) with Llanes to access the services.

Driver” is a user making a trip (article 2) and posts an advertisement seeking passengers or passenger (article 2) to offer vacant seats and receive contribution.

Passenger” is a user seeking to travel between two destinations and more than 18 years old. Passenger is member who has accepted the offer to be transported by the Driver or, where applicable, the person on whose behalf a member has booked a Seat.

Trip” is a journey made by a driver’s vehicle between two destinations and on a specific date and time, agreeing to the driver preferences regarding the trip. We encourage all the passengers to start the trip from Pick up location (decided by driver) and end the journey at drop off location (decided by driver).

Carpool” or “ rideshare” is an activity where two parties, a driver and a passenger(s) with a same trip destination or a route, share a vehicle to cut the trip cost.

Booking confirmation” is the confirmation email sent to the passenger after the booking a seat or seats in a vehicle.

Unique ride code” is a code generated for each trip and sent to the passenger via booking confirmation email.

Daily Commuter” is a driver making same trip for five weekdays from Monday to Friday and is willing to post the trip for the whole working week.

Service fees (for passengers)” is a fee that is applied on top of the trip cost (per seat) decided by the driver.

Service fees (for drivers)” a minimal fee applied to the driver’s total payout (per seat).

Termination” is stopping any user from using our services due to concerns raised by any user or inability to abide by the terms of service.

3. Registration or account (profile) creation
3.1 Conditions to create account:

To create an account for the access of services at Llanes, you must be aged 18 or over. Registration to the platform by a minor is strictly prohibited.

3.2 Creation of account

Llanes enables users to post carpooling trips and view trips posted by other users to book a Seat. You can view the trips between two locations if you are not registered on the Platform. However, to book a seat in any vehicle you must become a member or log in.

To create your Account or use services, you can choose one of three methods mentioned below:

Completion of registration (Sign up) form where all the mandatory fields must be completed using correct information.

Or log in with your Facebook or Google Accounts via Open Authentication methods (OAuth). In using such OAuth methods, you understand that Lanes will have access to information about your Facebook or Google Account and publish some of that information on the Service. You can remove the link between your Llanes Account and your Facebook or Google Accounts using the "Social Accounts" section of your Account settings.

To create a passenger account, personal information like phone number, Email address, birth date and gender are mandatory to be entered. We require this information to verify the identity and age of the user.

To create a driver profile, Vehicle information like make, model, photograph and valid driver’s licence are mandatory in addition of personal information given in article (3.2.3). To receive the payment after completion of carpooling trips, we require all the drivers to provide bank account details.

You can also sign up as a guest by entering your email and contact information. Guests sign ups can only be created by passengers. Drivers must create the account. In the case of registration by email, you agree to keep the password secret, chosen upon creating your Account and not to communicate it to anybody. If you lose or disclose your password, you must change password immediately. Llanes is not responsible for the use of your Account by third parties in this case. You agree not to create or use account under different identity.

By creating account, you agree to all the terms and conditions regarding use of service, authenticity of any information provided by you and age restriction to any features.

4. Accessibility and Use of Service
4.1 Posting trips (for drivers)

Llanes provide seamless booking experience to the members. Members are advised to plan their trips early so they can view, compare, and choose the trip added by the driver that suits them the best. Llanes provide various filters to make the process effective. Do not hesitate to book any last-minute trips as, many drivers for various reasons, post late trips that are just a day before of the same day. Llanes is a seat booking engine for carpooling trips where, members or guests can view available trips as per starting and ending location.

But a member or a guest must be logged in to book the seat. By booking a seat in a carpooling trip through Llanes, a passenger agrees to fulfil the following conditions,

(1) Your age is 18 years or more. As, any minors are prohibited from using our services.

(2) As a passenger you are 100% sure that you will be making the trip that you are booking.

(3) Before booking the seat, you must read and agree all the trip condition/ preferences set by driver. These conditions may include no smoking, no pet and size of luggage allowed per seat. Please review the driver preferences carefully.

(4) Llanes is a carpooling platform where trip pick-up and drop-off locations are pre-agreed. These locations are decided by the driver. As a passenger, you are agreeing to choose the posted trip where the pick-up and drop-off locations are suitable for you.

(5) We advise all the passengers to reach the pick-up location 15 mins prior to the trip time.

(6) While booking the seat for someone else, you must have the consent and authorization for the person to book a seat for them.

(7) When booking for someone else, you are liable to the accuracy of the information you put in.

(8) Llanes offer instant booking service. Ride will be confirmed instantly once you request to book. And the confirmation email consisting of the trip details, driver’s contact information and vehicle information will be sent to the passenger and the driver as well.

(9) Llanes will not be liable for any communications made between driver and passengers after receiving the trip confirmation email.

(10) You agree to verify the unique ride code, vehicle, and driver (as per the driver’s photo) before the beginning of the ride. Your safety should be the first priority at all times.

(11) You are to use the seatbelts for the safety on the road.

(12) You are responsible to check and collect your own luggage after the completion of the ride.

(13) You must not use driver’s or the vehicle’s critical information for any other purpose after the completion of ride.

(14) Our services are intended for the booking of seats for individuals. One must not book a Seat for transporting any object, package, animal travelling alone or material items whatsoever.

4.3 General conditions (for all users)

Llanes is a private platform that provide online booking service for carpooling only. We have zero tolerance for our services used for commercial purposes. While driving your vehicle for profits or commercial services, you might do activities that are not covered under regular vehicle insurance and no aid of any form might be provided from your insurer during accidents or any other difficult circumstances. We are not liable for the breach of these terms and conditions or breach of the terms between you and your insurance provider. Although most of the companies provide the insurance for carpooling, we advise all the drivers to check the insurance coverage for the carpooling before the trip and do not hold the liability if a driver fails to do so.

Llanes is a service provider for all your carpooling needs. We provide freedom to both drivers and passengers to choose what works best for their needs. We do not partake in any communication, time of the trip, prize per seat and location for pick-up and drop-off. Once agreed by both parties (driver and passenger/s) and trip is booked, Llanes is not responsible for any disputes regarding the trip arrangement between its users and will not represent any user in a legal battle.

In all the circumstances, you will be held responsible for the harm your interactions with other members of the service cause. Please be respectful and create friendly environment around other members. In the event of a dispute between you and another Member, except when such exclusions are forbidden by law, you release us (and our affiliates) from claims, demands and damages (actual or consequential) of any kind and nature, known or unknown, suspected, and unsuspected, disclosed, and undisclosed, arising out or in any way connected with such disputes.

5. Behavior and Conduct of our members,
5.1 Conduct of drivers

As a driver on Llanes carpooling platform, you commit yourself to following,

To only post trips if you are 100% sure to avoid any cancellation policies and inconvenience to other members of the service. Also, not to post ride if you are physically or mentally not capable to drive.

To follow all the road safety rules and regulations while driving and not to take any risks. This does not only put you but, other members in the car on risk.

To have valid driver’s licence and insurance. To check the condition of vehicle if all the safety features and functions are properly working and there is no visible damage that can harm or delay the trip.

To verify that your valid insurance covers you for carpooling and covers your passengers as a third party during any activities related to carpooling. Llanes is a carpooling marketplace and does not provide insurance to any members.

Not to post more seats than your car has space. Please verify the trip details and only post if you are committed to what you are posting.

To reach the pickup location 15 minutes before the trip starts. In case of any delays, try to contact the passenger or wait at least 10 more minutes if contact could not be done.

To contact all the passengers if there is any delay from your side while reaching the pickup location.

Not to drive under the influence of substance/s that are prohibited by law.

To share and verify the unique ride code with passengers to confirm the identity of member/s.

Not to generate any profit from Llanes platform. Do not take any parcel or package from any members.

To behave appropriately and responsibly during the Carpooling Trip, and in compliance with the spirit of ridesharing.

(5.2) Conduct of passengers

As a passenger on Llanes carpooling platform, you commit yourself to following,

only book the seat if you are 100% sure that you are travelling. Once you book a seat/s cancellation policy will apply if you change your plans.

respect driver, other passengers, vehicle and cleanliness of the vehicle.

Not to carry during a Carpooling Trip any item, goods, substance or animal that could hinder the driving and concentration of the Driver, or the nature, possession or carriage.

give utmost attention to the driver preferences of the trip. This may inform you if driver wants to have no smoking, no pet, and size of luggage allowed in the car. By booking the seat you are confirming that you agree to all the preferences, time and pickup and drop-off locations. This information is called trip detail decided by the driver and by booking the seat you are agreeing to them all.

verify the identity of the driver by asking to check the unique ride code.

reach the pickup destination 15 minutes prior to trip starting time and wait for at least 10 minutes to after the trip time if driver is facing any delays.

ensure you can be contacted in case of delays by driver. This will provide accurate update to both parties.

ensure that you are collecting your luggage after the trip is over and any other belongings that are precious to you.

exercise caution at all the times when you are in the car and make sure that you are wearing a seatbelt.

To behave appropriately and responsibly during the Carpooling Trip, and in compliance with the spirit of ridesharing.

(5.3) General conduct

You understand that you are solely responsible for respecting all laws and regulations and obligations applicable to use the platform. While using this platform you are agreeing to following,

If you feel that another Member of the Service has acted inappropriately including but not limited to offensive, violent, or sexually inappropriate behavior, or engages in other disturbing conduct, you must immediately report such person to the appropriate authorities and to us by contacting us, with the understanding that your report does not obligate us to take any action or cause us to incur any liability.

Not to speak or behave in any way or post any content on the platform of a defamatory, injurious, obscene, pornographic, vulgar, offensive, aggressive, uncalled-for, violent, threatening, harassing, racist or xenophobic nature, or with sexual connotations, inciting violence, discrimination or hatred, encouraging activities or the use of illegal substances, or more generally contrary to the purposes of the Platform, that may infringe the rights of Llanes or a third party or contrary to good morals.

6. Financial conditions

On Llanes carpooling service, services like account creation, searching trips and posting trips are free of cost. These features give you an opportunity to get the best competitive option that suits your convenience. However, bookings are charged under conditions given below.

6.1 Cost contribution and price

We are a carpooling platform that allows drivers to decide price per seat for carpooling trip in their vehicle. Driver is solely responsible to set a per seat price considering impact type and nature of trip will have on their vehicle. As, this is a carpooling platform, it strictly prohibits drivers from earning profit from their trip. This service must only be used to cut down overall trip costs.

To hinder this from happening, Llanes has implemented limitations to the maximum price a driver can set as per the time, distance and nature of the trip. This action avoids any abuses to the carpooling laws.

6.2 Service fees

In exchange for the usage of the platform, Llanes shall collect service fees at the time of booking. These mandatory service fees are implemented to each booking (per seat), for further development of the Llanes.

(6.2.1) Service fees for passengers:

These service fees are calculated in the consideration of the distance and nature of the trip and may vary depending on distance. Service fees are calculated and added on top of the price (per seat) decided by driver and posted on the trip as the final price. All the prices that passengers will see while searching for the trips will be final prices they will pay per seat. While confirming the seat, total price breakdown will be shown to the passengers.

(6.2.2) Service fees for drivers:

By posting a trip on Llanes, you agree to pay a minimal 3.5% service fees on the driver’s payout. This fee is applied to the driver’s total payout and will be displayed to driver while posting the trip. This helps us accommodate all the payment transactions.

Llanes reserves the right of modification of service fees without any prior notice. In the event of modification in service fees, no trips posted before modification will be affected.

6.3 Payment and cost contribution to driver

To receive payment after the completion of the ride/s, a driver must add the banking information to the profile. This will become a payment method for all the next trips unless changed by the driver. By posting a trip on Llanes you as a driver agree to provide correct bank information to Llanes to receive payment. Llanes will put unclaimed drivers’ payout for maximum 6 months of time. You also agree that failure to add correct payment information after 6 months of the completion trip will result in money deemed to belong to Llanes.

You recognize and accept that none of the sums received by Llanes in the name and on behalf of the Driver gives entitlement to interest. You agree to respond diligently to any request of Llanes, and more generally of any administrative or court authority competent particularly in the prevention or combating of money laundering.

6.3.1 Cost contribution:

All the money received via bookings are directed to a Llanes bank account dedicated to transferring the money to drivers’ bank account. After the completion of the trip, passengers will have 24-hour time to report any disputes or cancellations done by them or driver. In case of no reports submitted to the Llanes, a payment order of driver will be generated, and money will be paid to the bank account of driver. Transferring the money to the account of driver takes 4 to 5 business days. we use stripe to provide payment gateway services.

You recognize and accept that none of the sums received by Llanes in the name and on behalf of the Driver gives entitlement to interest. You agree to respond diligently to any request of Llanes, and more generally of any administrative or court authority competent particularly in the prevention or combating of money laundering.

6.3.2 Payment of the price:

Payment for any Order made through the Platform is made by one of the means authorised below.

Apple pay

Credit card

Debit card

No Order confirmation shall be issued before the full and effective payment of the price of the Transport Services selected by the Customer. If the payment is irregular, incomplete, or not made for any reason attributable to the Customer, the Order shall be cancelled immediately. Passenger must wait for the confirmation email after the booking to confirm if the trip has been booked. Cancellation policy will be applied to any changes to the plans after confirmation is sent.

7. Cancellation and No-show policy

Although, we advise all our members to only post or book a trip if they are 100% sure about them being able to make the journey, due to various reasons members must deviate from their plans. Cancellation policy includes changes, cancellations, or no-show for the trip by either drivers or passengers.

7. Cancellation and No-show policy
7.1 For drivers

At Llanes, we strictly advise drivers to not cancel trip. As a driver, a member can cancel no more than one ride per 6 months once booked by the passenger. In a case where 2nd cancellation is noticed, account of driver will be suspended or terminated.

Cancellation or no-show from drivers can affect plans of more than one members of the platform and we do not encourage this.

7.2 For passengers

Cancellation policy for passengers varies upon the time of the cancellation received by Llanes. Following are the conditions for cancellation,


As a passenger you must cancel the trip before 24 hours of your booking to receive 100% refund minus service fees.


if you cancel your trip within 48 hours of the ride, you get 50% refund minus the service fee.


if you cancel you ride within 12 hours or you do not reach to the pickup spot, this will fall under a no-show policy and no refund will be given.


If you reach on the pickup and driver cancels the trip, you will receive full refund.

Please note that Llanes will be making the seat available as soon as you cancel the seat so that drivers can find someone else.

8. Discounts

As a growing carpooling marketplace Llanes currently offers various discounts to the members to enjoy the service that is pocket friendly. Currently Llanes has following discounts.

8.1 Student discount:

As a student, we want you to grab all the opportunities by reaching to the desired destinations. At Llanes, we believe in making transportation more accessible for students. We understand that every penny counts, which is why we are excited to introduce our exclusive student discount program. As a student, you can enjoy 15% off your first ride with us after email verification. Following condition will apply to the usage of student discount.

  • To be eligible for this discount, a student must register with Llanes with valid student email ID. After the registration, an email to confirm the identity of the student will be sent to the entered email ID.

  • This discount is limited to the students at colleges and universities that were pre-selected by Llanes. More colleges and universities will be added to the list and we will continue to our mission.

  • This is a one time offer only, members agree that there will not be any discounts from next booking.

  • By using this discount, you agree that you will not identify as someone else to receive discounts, any attempts like this will be noted and may subject to the suspension of the account.

  • Authenticity of all the personal information entered is your responsibility and failure will be subjected to legal actions.

8.2 Daily commuter discount

Llanes aims at connecting driver and traveler with same work location. This way, the passenger saves money on their commute and the driver saves money on travel expenses. When you book your work commute with Llanes for an entire week (5 days), you will unlock incredible savings for the following week. For every passenger who books a week's worth of daily commutes with Llanes, we are offering a generous $10 discount for the following week. following conditions will apply to the daily commuter discount,

  • Offer valid for bookings of daily work commutes for a full week (Monday to Friday).

  • The discount code will be sent via email at the end of your first week of bookings.

  • The discount code is valid for the following week's bookings only.

  • Llanes reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time.

  • Cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.

  • Standard Llanes terms and conditions apply.

You understand that discounts may discontinue, or new discounts will be introduced to the service. Llanes reserves the right to change or modify any current discounts without any prior notice.

9. Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policie
9.1 Anti-Discrimination Policy

Llanes is feedback driven service where passengers and drivers can give feedback on their personal experience with on the member of our service. In an event where we notice feedback or a report that has allegations of discrimination may lead to preventive or permanent closure of a Member's Account. Llanes will not allow discrimination within its community and will ensure against discrimination to the best of its abilities on the bases of race, creed, colour, national origin, or sex.

9.2 Anti-Harassment Policy

Llanes is a harassment free community and has zero tolerance towards harassment based upon an Member's sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion or any other legally protected characteristics. Allegations of harassment on Llanes may lead to preventive or permanent closure of a Member's Account.

9.3 Anti Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is behavior of a sexual nature that is unwelcome and offensive to the person or persons it is targeted toward. Examples of harassing behaviour may include unwanted physical contact, foul language of an offensive sexual nature, sexual propositions, sexual jokes or remarks, obscene gestures, and displays of pornographic or sexually explicit pictures, drawings, or caricatures. Use of the Llanes platform for the purpose of viewing, displaying, or disseminating material that is sexual in nature may also constitute harassing behaviour. Allegations of sexual harassment on Llanes may lead to preventive or permanent closure of a Member's Account.

9.4 Reporting

We encourage our members to report any members who do not abide to any harassment policies. This helps us to identify such incidents. In an event of a report submitted to Llanes against any member, the matter reported will be investigated and any necessary corrective action will be taken where appropriate. All complaints of unlawful harassment will be handled in as discreet and confidential a manner as is possible under the circumstances.

10. Warranties and Intellectual property and other Legal matters
10.1 Warranties

Unless the following exclusions are forbidden by law, you understand that Llanes does not provide any warranty that you will be satisfied by our services neither we give warranty that services will be uninterrupted, on time and efficient. We do not take the responsibility for the behaviour of any members. You must exercise utmost caution and common sense while interacting with other members. You are solely responsible for your decisions and your own risk. We do not always warranty the functionality of our services where system failures might affect the operations.

10.2 Intellectual Property

Llanes reserves the right to remain sole owner of any data, strategies, content, logo/s, trademarks, photos, videos trip posts that are publicly displayed on our website. Actions might be taken if this data is used for profits without the permission of Llanes.

By using our platform, you waive us from any expressed or implied warranties.

10.3 Legal matters

The Platform is published by DPR Llanes corporation. Represented by its CEO Divyaraj Raulji.

For any questions, please contact DPR Llanes corporation using this form.

11. Termination & Discontinuance of Service

You can terminate your contractual relations with Llanes at any time, without cost and without reason. To do this, simply go to the “Close account” tab of your Profile page.

In the event of (1) breach by you of these T&Cs, including but not limited to your obligations as Member mentioned in Articles above, (2) exceeding the limit set out in Article 4 above, or (3) if Llanes has genuine reason to believe that this is necessary to protect its security and its integrity, that of the Members or third parties, or for the purpose of prevention of fraud or investigations, Llanes reserves the right to:

  • Terminate the T&Cs binding you with Llanes immediately and without notice; and/or

  • Prevent the posting of or removing any review, trip post, message, content, Booking request, or any content posted by you on the Platform; and/or

  • Limit your access and your use of the Platform; and/or

  • Temporarily or permanently suspend your Account.

When this is necessary, you will be notified of the establishment of such measures in order to enable you to give explanations to Llanes. We will decide, at its sole discretion, whether or not to lift the measures put in place.